Identity Syncronizer™ Management Studio provides a function to smart-link multiple AD Users with their Autotask counterparts using First Name, Last Name, Network Login, Display Name, and/or Email address as a matching criteria. 

To access the Bulk Link program, launch the Identity Syncronizer Management Studio, select the AutoTask Tab from the top menu, select the Bulk Link Tab on the left-hand menu. A screen similar the following will display: 

Click on the arrow as indicated here: 

You will be prompted to enter domain administrator credentials:


After entering domain administrator credentials, a screen similar to the following should be displayed. Click on one or more of the arrows as indicated to obtain a list of Active Directory users. Note that your list of available users within active directory may be subdivided into several OUs or folders.

After clicking on the arrow to expand the user folder, a screen similar to the following should display:

As shown above, click in the box adjacent to the folder containing a list of users that you wish to bulk link. Click on the criteria upon which you wish to match Active Directory Users to Autotask Users.

Click match to have Identity Syncronizer attempt an automatic match of users based upon the criteria that you specified in the previous step.

The system will then display a preview of the users that it has matched based upon the criteria that you specified. If you approve of the proposed match of users, you can complete the matching process by clicking the Link button.