How to Order IDSync Cloud Billing - (Aug 2020)

The purpose of this article is to describe the steps that one would take to order the IDSync Cloud Billing software from the Ingram Cloud Marketplace.

After placing the order, it will provision into the IDSync Azure Datacenter and you will be sent a confirming email. Please allow 4 - 8 hours for this process and notification to take place.

Order Process

1. Login to the Reseller Control Panel

2. Go to Cloud Enablement Services

3. Select IDSync - Identity Synchronizer

4. Select Identity Synchronizer - Connectors for Reseller and click Add to Cart

5. Click on the Shopping Cart in the top right corner of page

6. Increment the license count accordingly for either Autotask Billing Integration  or Connectwise Billing Integration licenses

Quick Start is a service offering to have IDSync assist you with the setup, integration to your PSA and training.

This is the license selection if ordering Autotask

This is the license selection if ordering Connectwise

7. Click Next to go to Place Order screen

8. The order review will either be for Autotask or Connectwise as shown below and will reflect the above license selections.

Autotask order to be placed

Connectwise order to be placed

9. Finally, confirm and click on BUY