Hosted Exchange® User Properties

Once the Hosted Exchange® tab is selected you will find a window similar to the one below:

  1. User ID: This displays the User Name for the currently selected user. This is also known as the SAMAccountName.
  2. Password: If enabled, this field specifies the current password for the user. This password field is only enabled if the "Password Sync" check box is unchecked. Passwords entered here will not be displayed but will show asterisk (star) characters. 

  3. Enable user: When checked, this user will be enabled for the Hosted Exchange® system. If checked then this user is currently enabled for Hosted Exchange. Please note: The user will not be enabled within Active Directory by checking this box, only for the Hosted Exchange® functionality.

  4. Password Sync: When checked, the value entered in the password field will be locked to the value stored in the Identity Syncronizer database. When unchecked the password field will be unlocked and can be edited. This password will be sent to Exchange® when the transaction is submitted. This will not change the password for Windows and Active Directory.

  5. Subscription: Select the subscription (and services) you want to enable for the specific user you're currently working with.

  6. Link / Unlink User: This button is used to link the Active Directory user to an existing user in Odin (or to Unlink a currently linked user).