Upgrade the IDSync Billing Connector from 3.10 to 4.1


In order to upgrade your IDSync Billing and Management Studio, please follow this simple 

Step-by-step guide

1.- Stop all IDSync Services

1.1.- IDSync Management Studio -> Service tab -> ‘Stop service’


1.2.- Windows ‘Services’ management console  (Start -> Services.msc) -> Identity Syncronizer – xxxxxxxx -> Stop Service)

Stop the service if any of those are Started


2.- Close both IDSync components : the Management Studio 


and the Billing Studio


3.- Open the Windows Explorer and go to the "C:\Program Files\" folder. Locate and rename the folder the "Identity Syncronizer" folder.

4.- Download the new installer from the IDSync Tab on the Ingram Control Panel.


5.- Un-zip the installer


and run it.

6.- Wait for the Installer to process, then click on the 'Next' button:

Read and accept the License Agreement, then click on the 'Next' button:

Click on the 'Install' button 

Wait for the Identity Syncronizer to be completely installed.

NOTE:  IDSync incorporated a SQL Server installer into its product as of version 4.1.46 as a convenience for its customers.  The following screen are new to the IDSync installation.  You will be prompted for SQL Server connection information.   Because you are upgrading from a previous installation of IDSync, you will simply want to re-enter the database information for your existing SQL server.

SQL Server Configuration 

The installer will now look for a SQL Server Instance or will assist you with the installation process of a new SQL Server Express Edition.

Please, click Next to start this process:

sqlserver install screen - click next

existing or new sql server instance

Choose Existing SQL Server
existing sql server - click next

Then fill in the fields with the proper information to configure the connection settings for the Identity Syncronizer:
enter (existing) database configuration
After this, click Finish to continue the installation process:
finished sql config. for existing database

Then, click Finish.

7.- At this point, the server is installed, so you may Open the IDSync Management Studio.

go to the ODIN tab to enter your NEW subscription credentials:

clear out the values in the Gateway User and Gateway Password fields.  Replace those values with the new values that you see in your Ingram Control Panel on the IDSync Tab:

Once you have entered the new Gateway username and password, click on the Authenticate button to renew your credentials:

Then switch to the License Tab to enter in your new IDSync license key as shown on the ODIN Control Panel in the IDSync tab.

and click on the Apply button (to refresh any new functionality or configuration included in the new version)


then, go to the Service tab, and click on the ‘Start Service’ button:


8.- Copy the installer to the machine where the Billing Studio runs.

  • Open the Windows explorer, and go to the “C:\Program Files\Identity Syncronizer\Plugins\Installers\x64” folder (assuming the target machine is a 64-bit windows).
  • Copy the IDSync.msi file 

  • Paste it to the root folder of your Billing Studio’s computer

9.- In your Billing Studio’s computer, open an admin-level Command Prompt  (Start → right click on Command Prompt → Run as administrator).


10.- Run this command (copy and paste it, then hit 'Enter')

 msiexec /i c:\idsync.msi REINSTALLMODE=VOMUS REINSTALL=ALL /norestart 


Click on ‘Next’ and then on ‘Finish’ when prompted.



You may now open your Billing Studio and validate that all your Subscriptions and Agreements' information is unchanged :